Warsaw's Concert Hall: A Symphony of Architecture and Acoustics

Tomasz Konior's Award-Winning Design Harmonizes Heritage and Innovation

Warsaw's Concert Hall, a masterpiece by Tomasz Konior, is more than a building. It's a testament to the harmonious blend of heritage and innovation, a symphony of architecture and acoustics. This article explores the design, inspiration, and unique properties of this world-class structure.

The Concert Hall in Warsaw, designed by Tomasz Konior and his team, is an architectural marvel that pays homage to the city's rich history while embracing modern design principles. The project, which started in 2015 and was completed in 2020, was inspired by the existing urban fabric. The design team decided to locate the new building deep within the plot, creating a background architecture that continues the scale and rhythms of the existing building.

What sets the Concert Hall apart is its commitment to sustainable development. The design team adapted decaying buildings, giving them a new function and extending them to increase the quality and functionality of the entire complex. The result is a unique concert hall that is set to become an important place on the cultural map of Warsaw.

The design realization technology used in the Concert Hall is a blend of traditional and modern materials. The main materials are concrete, steel, and wood. A unique feature is the round plan of the concert hall with a diameter of 24 m. The internal reinforced concrete walls were made using rubber formwork in a specially designed and tested shape. The ash sails and the ceiling, which are the most important acoustically, were obtained from individually milled and joined wooden blocks.

The Concert Hall is not just a building; it's an interactive space. The design team created a new public space in front of the school, establishing a stronger relationship with the city. The internal, multifunctional foyer, lit by daylight, is the keystone of the old and the new. The heart of the complex is the concert hall, with an area divided in half between the audience and the stage, creating a comfortable place for 70 musicians and 300 music lovers.

The design of the Concert Hall faced several challenges, especially in terms of acoustics. The design team worked with Nagata Acoustics to develop the acoustic qualities of the hall. The form and proportions of the interior make it comparable to the best concert halls in the world. The wooden, ash sails and ceiling hanging over the stage and the audience give it a characteristic and memorable architectural expression.

The Concert Hall in Warsaw is a testament to the power of design and innovation. It's a tribute to the city's heritage and a beacon of its future. The design was awarded Platinum in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2021, recognizing its exceptional design and contribution to societal wellbeing. As Tomasz Konior and his team have shown, architecture is not just about buildings; it's about creating spaces that inspire, engage, and transform.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tomasz Konior
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Bartek Barczyk, Concert Hall in Warsaw, 2020 Image #2: Photographer Bartek Barczyk, Concert Hall in Warsaw, 2020 Image #3: Photographer Bartek Barczyk, Concert Hall in Warsaw, 2020 Image #4: Photographer Piotr Krajewski, Concert Hall in Warsaw, 2020 Image #5: Photographer Piotr Krajewski, Concert Hall in Warsaw, 2020
Project Team Members: Tomasz Konior, Dominik Koroś, Aleksander Nowacki, Michał Lipiec, Marcin Piotrowski, Wojciech Przywecki, Angelika Drozd, Anita Łukaszyk-Nagi, Justyna Boduch, Adam Przybyła, Magdalena Jagoda, Anna Kłosek, Arkadiusz Laskowski, Agata Żak
Project Name: Concert Hall in Warsaw
Project Client: Tomasz Konior

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